
In Bahamas by Daniel1 Comment

Here is a link to our movie page for our videos of the trip so far:  We will keep uploading files here but I will make sure to create a new post to let you know when they are uploaded.  We have quite a few but I only posted a few to start with.  We are a little distracted in some of them but there are some nice scenes from our offshore passages.  Hope you enjoy!  -Daniel


  1. Hello again guys! The videos were great. I liked the shade of green Julia was wearing!! Hate to see this strange unseasonally chilly weather. Michelle, my daughter in West Palm, reports temps of 40’s. But guess you’re pretty much on top of that. Hope you get the heater working again. Just remember, it is what it is. Enjoy. While you’re living your dream so many others are sitting in their easy chairs dreaming the life.
    Fair Winds,

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